frequently asked questions

We get asked these questions a lot, so we made this small section to help you out identifying what you need faster.

Getting Started

All info about using our services.

Sign-up on our website with simply your name, email address and by creating a password.

Yes, there is no limit to pre-alerts the more information provided the better (include receipts, invoice and or Shippers Letter of Instructions).

Rapid ships weekly.

Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Togo, Benin, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Kenya, Mali,Rwanda, Middle East, Other.

No, there is no limit to shipping just be mindful that weight is a factor.

Rapid Membership

Using Rapid membership to shop online.

Track on our homepage with your assigned tracking number.

Yes, personal drop-off possible between 0900-1700Hrs. After hours drop-off can also be arranged.

Yes, proxy-buying service is available.

We are based in Atlanta, GA, however we have drop-off locations across all major cities in North America.

Yes, we can handle that through our cold chain service.

When using the Live Quote there are 3 major factors (product value, weight, and number of individual packages received.)


All payments related issues.

When using the Live Quote there are 3 major factors (product value, weight, and number of individual packages received.)

USA: Zelle/CashApp/PayPal; International: Local payment arrangement.

Yes, this must be arranged locally with the branch office.

Yes, proxy-buying service is available.

Yes, we do for customers who would like to pay with credit cards.

Package Receiving & Storage

All shipping and receiving questions

Yes, until you give us the green light to ship.

Yes, we can handle that through our cold chain service.

Packages can be re-packed for voyage to assure security and or consolidation of packages (putting together multiple parcels received on your behalf).

No, there is no limit to shipping just be mindful that weight is a factor.

Pick up locations can be found here, based on location.

No, we take care of customs’ formalities on your behalf.

No, you pick-up at our office.